
Malaysian OPEN

Hi, this is Ochi. Can not help it but talk about my brand new iPhone 6 plus.

I have gone to Malaysian Open to support a Japanese pro, Go Soeda.
He was thinking about playing in China first but found out that he got in the main draw in Malaysia first so decided to play in Malaysia, instead. It was pretty hectic for Soeda to change his plan so quickly, when you are a professional athlete, you must be able to adjust quickly to many different things. Such a tough life. For me, was glad that he came to Malaysia since it's so close from Singapore.

He lost in Second around against Guillermo Tomasevich (AUS) but I believe he has set a great start to play in the tour in Asia.

Coach Minoru was an official photographer for the tournament.
He has a passion for tennis and photography. Hope he will success in both in the near future.
Thank you for the beautiful photos.

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Wataru Ochi  
 Hi Singapore every tennis fun!!! If you want to play tennis, Please come SANWA TENNIS ACADEMY! We can promise good advice for your tennis life.. Thank you…