
Tennis Lesson @ Jurong Octorber Schedules

Hi, everyone. Here are some notices and changes for October. The Sanwa at Jurong will begin with the regular schedule starting from October 29th. Very sorry to cause any kind of incoveniences to you

Closed days in October
1We will be closed between October 22nd to 27th.

Change of Schedules

*Wednesday (Adult/Intermadiate)Applies only October
9:00〜10:30 → Will be change to9:30〜11:00 

17:00〜18:30 → Will be change to 17:15〜18:45 

Thank you for understanding.

Introducing our staffs
Aya Ochi  
  Let’s expand your friends’ circle through playing tennis! We are having Adult lessons and Kid’s classes at the Jurong Country Club!