
Eight reasons why we DO need to take a vacation.

Hello, this is Kengo. I have just returned from a vacation. I went to Japan and Turkey. From my vacation I have realized eight major reasons why we need to take a vacation to enrich ourselves. I hope you agree with me after you finish reading this.

1 Fresh view, fresh idea. Some times you must look at things from different side, have a different view.

Let you have a different perspective when you are looking or even thinking about something at the unusual place.

2 Your body and soul get refreshed.

You work hard everyday, your body get tired and tend to store unwanted stress day by day.
Having a vacation or a day off let your body to let go all the tiredness and stress. It is good to know what works for you to let your stress and tiredness go away.

3 You are not alone

You appreciate all the people surround you. With all the love and help that they hand to you.

4 How much you love your family and friends

I personally get to work away(Singapore) from home (Japan) because my family are in Japan, healthy enough to take care of themselves. That allow me to proceed my dream without worrying about anything.
I have tendency to think my family are there forever and take advantage of them sometimes. I need to make an effort to call them more often.

5 Time goes by really fast.

Time flies quickly, so quickly...

My grand parents are getting much older than what I remembered. Many of my friends are getting married and have children. Everyone is moving on not wasting any time.

6 Appreciate what having ordinary day is like.

I get up and go to work. I enjoy my work and my life in Singapore. Never thought more than that. But When I am way, I got to realize how lucky I am having an ordinary day like that. I thank for having a job that I like, work with people I like and be able to live in such a peaceful place.

7 Fresh attitude when you are back

Back to normal lifestyle but feel very refreshed and have a positive attitude. I feel so relaxed and had a so much enjoyment that I feel much a bigger person than how I was before.

8  Persistency will pay off

It is very important to keep doing what you believe in. I work hard to deserve a vacation. If I didn't work hard, I probably do not appreciate as much as I did. I have been running everyday but I took a vacation from that too. Well, now I am back and I have to do a lot of catch up. So vacation is great for your mind and soul but not too kind if you are in training. There is not a short cut…You must put your work everyday..that goes with tennis too. Your hard work will pay off for sure.

So…What do you think?

We are having great events next week. Starting with an event for the starters and also Kengo Cafe. Please come and join us!!
Let's enjoy rest of 2014!!

Introducing our staffssanwa_staffa3  Kengo Hirahata SANWA TENNIS ACADEMY  
  2 year have passed since I came Singapore. I'm studying English, because I    wanna be able to great communicate with you!! Let's enjoy tennis with us!